We’re just days away from committing to a New Year’s resolution for 2019. It’s hard to believe another year is here. I know in years past, my resolutions have focused on getting in shape, eating better, getting organized and spending less money. I think these are common goals, but what about mental health? This year consider improving your mental health needs.

Here are 10 resolutions that may help meet your mental health needs.

  1. Change the way you talk about yourself. Do you tend to be overly critical and negative about yourself? Challenge negative self-talk by providing evidence to prove or disprove your thinking. Seek other explanations or ask yourself how you would perceive the situation if you were being positive.
  2. Practice self-care. It’s important to do things that make you happy. Too often we worry about the needs of others and neglect our own. Add daily self-care activities to reduce stress and demonstrate self-love. Get a massage. Dance. Nap. Journal. Exercise. Take a weekend trip with the girls, or go fishing.
  3. Practice mindfulness. Set a time each day to be intentionally present. Go to a quiet place and remove distractions. Try to relax your body and pay attention to your breaths. When your mind starts to wander, bring it back by refocusing on your breathing. The goal is not to keep your mind from wandering, but to recognize this and learn to bring it back to the present.
  4. Start each day with a positive affirmation. Create positive statements about yourself. “I am beautiful.” “I believe in myself.” “I will pass this test.” “I am in control of my thoughts.”
  5. Do that one thing you have been putting off. Have you wanted to start school, but haven’t started the application process? Do it! Have you wanted to finish a project? Set a date and get it finished.
  6. Stop enabling. Have you recognized you are enabling someone to continue unhealthy behaviors? While it may be challenging to stop enabling behaviors, it is necessary for your own mental health. One of the first steps is to set boundaries and learn to say no.
  7. Read a self-help bookThe Power of Nowby Eckhart Tolle; Your Erroneous Zoneby Wayne Dyer; Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapyby David D. Burns; Getting Unstuckby Pema Chodron; and Codependent No Moreby Melody Beattie are all popular and influential books to read.
  8. Work on self-confidence. Start with thinking positive. Act confident. You may not be confident in yourself, but act it anyway. Prepare yourself in areas you may feel less confident. Pay attention to your image and posture by showering, shaving, ironing your clothes and standing up straight.
  9. Practice wellness management. The following are wellness areas that are important to pay attention to for improved mental health. Physical-exercise 150 minutes weekly; sleep 6-8 hours a night; eat healthy. Emotional-engage in stress management techniques; learn better coping skills; seek professional services, if needed; improve your emotional intelligence. Social-nurture relationships; repair conflicts; minimize time with negative influences; be active in the community; join a support group. Intellectual-read more; take an online webinar; attend a conference; go back to school. Spiritual-evaluate your values; practice meditation; attend church; do something kind for someone.
  10. Start therapy. If you believe you need to speak with a professional about your mental health contact a therapist.

I hope these suggested resolutions help you to create a meaningful goal for 2019. “The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you’re not going to stay where you are.” –J.P. Morgan

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