A vision board is a valuable visualization tool that serves as an image of your future. It is a tangible representation of your dreams, goals, and your ideal life. People of all ages engage in vision boarding; in fact, people go to workshops, or host gatherings, to create vision boards. The objective of vision boarding is to build a visual aid to help with creating an emotional feeling behind your goals. The brain responds strongly to visual stimulation, so representing your goals and dreams with pictures will strengthen and stimulate your emotions. These emotions cause an energy that activates the law of attraction. So, what you focus on, you attract! The process can elicit deep meaning and self-understanding, as well as introduce positive affirmations. Here are some tips to get you started on creating your own vision board.

1) Make time: You want to have time to reflect on what your goals are in life.

2) Your vision board should display what goals you want to meet, which includes your goals related to how you want to feel. For example, maybe a happy feeling for you is when you are outside under a bright sun or at the start of fall. What gives you energy and motivation?

3) Think outside the box. It is easy to find cutouts or words to describe your goals, so think deeper. What are some inspirational quotes that have helped you in challenging times? Is there advice your therapist has given or valuable words from a loved one that you have held on to in trying times?

4) Add personal photos or keepsakes that remind you of what is important in life. Maybe you enjoy annual family vacations, so a picture of a previous family vacation would depict that you want to continue having family vacations each year.

5) Create categories for your vision board to help you cover different areas: relationships, personal growth, mental health, physical health, spiritual health, career, finances, home, and social life.

6) Make sure to add a picture of yourself. Make sure this picture was taken during a happy time.

7) What items you will need: large poster board, scissors, tape/glue stick, markers, stickers, magazines, anything creative, and TIME!

8) When creating your vision board remember it is yours. There are no limits or rules!

9) Revisit your vision board as needed, but at least each year.

10) Keep your vision board in a place that you see daily, so you are reminded of your goals, dreams, and positivity that you want to attract in your life.

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