Today we’re all just overwhelmed with the demands of modern life. Working 40 hours a week to get by just doesn’t cut it for most of my clients. We busy raising kids, dealing with traffic and taking care of aging parents. When do we have time to take care of ourselves? We don’t. Most of us are instinctive people pleasers, and we’re prone to having low energy.

I’m not talking about the kind of low-energy that goes away after a restful nights sleep, but the kind that lingers and stays and doesn’t seem to lift.

If you talk to a doctor they’ll tell you that its normal and not to worthy, but you know better, because you know you don’t feel right. Maybe you don’t have a disease, but you just know you don’t feel right, you don’t feel happy and maybe haven’t in a while. Unfortunately, those of us who’ve experienced low energy had it triggered by a very stressful event, an illness or a stretch of insomnia. In other cases the cause appear mysterious.

Symptoms of low energy worsen over time. Women who are excellent at multitasking, often ignore their fatigue until it develops into depression, binge-eating or weight gain. Some of us are good at ignoring our bodies until we just feel bone tired each and every day.

Let me be a little straight with you, you may not realize it yet, and those of you who already do are nodding your heads in agreement with me, but once this starts to happen it leads to a downward spiral. This leads to a compromised immune system, which increases our risk for disease, but it also effects are relationships, because we’re cranky, and critical or just withdrawn from people close to us. We feel out of gas in life.

Getting to this kind of place isn’t something you decided you wanted, its really a perfect storm that cast a dark cloud on all of those under it. Where I see it leave so many beginning clients start out feeling unfilled, with discontent, and unfortunately angry with themselves when they shouldn’t be. If you’re reading this far please know you’re normal and not crazy. I’m not judging you, so please don’t judge yourself either. Life happens! It gets better, I’ve been to the promise land, I’ve taken others there and I know how to take you there too!

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