Just a quick note on a few ways to keep a positive attitude, even when the world is dealing with COVID-19.

Start a journal.  Instead of focusing on all the negative, write about what you are thankful for, what you have achieved while at home, or what new things you have learned.

Engage in self-care. Take a bubble bath, exercise, go fishing, take a hike, walk around the block, or whatever it is you do to take care of yourself.

Create a vision board.  You can use magazines to create a board about what you want in the future.

Make a call that you are always too busy to make.  Catch up with old friends and family.

Read mental health blogs that promote positivity.  Take advantage of the free books you can get through Amazon Kindle and other places.

Develop positive affirmations.  Use the words, “I am” and then finish it with positive and powerful words about yourself. Stay in the present tense. Be brief. Use action words.  I am worthy.  I have a purpose.

Rule your mind or it will rule you –Buddha

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